Free Consultation
We encourage a free consultation visit prior to initiating care. This allows us a chance to discuss your birthing options, answer your questions, and a chance to meet in person.
After keeping your baby safe inside throughout pregnancy, a woman needs a safe environment with people she trusts, to allow her to open, and encourage a peaceful transition. There are 2 midwives present for each birth, and we monitor the mother and baby in an unobtrusive manner as not to interfere with her rhythm, while ensuring well-being.
Homebirth is a safe option for healthy and low-risk women seeking alternatives to “medicalized” birth. Midwives are guardians of the birth process, supporting and nurturing the mother through labor. Inherent in our care is the belief that birth is a normal life process that proceeds best with minimal intervention, and where a woman feels safest. Certified Professional Midwives are experts in normal out-of-hospital birth, and are trained to recognize early signs of complications.
There is a time and a place for medical interventions. If we see a possible complication arising, we discuss the findings, and make a decision to transfer care. We are well trained and equipped to handle such situations.
At home women have the freedom to labor and birth as they instinctively desire. Women have the option of waterbirth, and are encouraged to stay well-nourished and rested. The result is a gentle birth where the baby is welcomed into the world with loving hands.
Prenatal Care
Prenatal care is the hallmark of midwifery care. During this time of growth, we foster a relationship based on trust, and discuss all aspects of life influencing this pregnancy and birth.
Prenatal care consists of watchful monitoring of mother and baby, thorough discussions about options, informed consent for all routine tests, and nutritional counseling. Emphasis is placed on general health and nutrition. When needed, we call upon additional health resources. We seek to meet the individual needs of women and families, and encourage them to take an active role in managing their pregnancies and birth through education.
We encourage families to start care in the 1st trimester. We meet monthly through 30 weeks, every other week until 36 weeks, and then weekly until the baby is born.
Postpartum Care
In keeping with continuity of care, we come back to check on the mother and baby the day after the birth, again on the 3rd day after delivery, and again between 5-7 days postpartum. The first 2 weeks are critical for establishing a healthy nursing relationship, and we monitor the mother and baby, and ensure the mother is well supported both physically and emotionally. We continue to be on call and accessible during this time.
We see families back in the office at 2 weeks after the birth, and a final visit at 6 weeks postpartum.